Wednesday, May 03, 2006

After a long, long, delay in posting--I'm finally back! Spring is here and there is lots and lots for Pookie and I to do. The weather being so nice and sunny Pookie and I just wanted to sit in the sun and enjoy being warm and toasty, but alas we have no blanket to sit on and have had to use a bed sheet instead. And so it is time for a picnic blanket! For the first time ever I bought fabric online and they are so cute! This is my absolute favorite that I bought (mine is in green though, but I don't see that listed anymore.) Since the fabric's arrival I have been busy busy busy ironing and cutting. I now have a nice stack of squares, two more prints left to cut, and a whole lot of white cotton to deal with. As soon as I have something stitched together a picture will be posted.

Pookie and I have also been busy running here and there picking out plants for our container garden and for our little plot of shady shady dirt. We both appear to have allergies though and so our flower search has been accompanied by much, much sneezing! The little collection of flowers we have going on now is rather nice, but I can never make up my mind where I want each plant. So here is a little picture of Pookie's and my patio oasis (ignore the gardening mess in the background we'll be cleaning that up tomorrow).

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