Monday, December 11, 2006

At last, we decorated the tree!

Yesterday we decorated the tree. Decorating the tree is always a special occassion for us--we have a little party! We drank eggnog (my husband made it, it was so good, I've never had the real thing before!), ate cookies and petit fours, and then we hung the ornaments. A good number of the ornaments are handmade by my sisters and I from when we were children--walnuts covered in glitter, paper angels, toothpick's a real trip down memory lane.Pookie had a lot of fun reaching in the ornament box and throwing ornaments all over the ground. When she finished with that she moved on to throwing ornaments off of the tree. We could hardly keep up with her, she was taking them off as fast as we were putting them on!

Fig kept herself busy attempting to roll over. When we were done she enjoyed lying under the branches and "oohing" up at the lights.

So now the tree is beautifully dressed and ready for Christmas. Fourteen more days!


Anonymous said...

oooh! your tree looks just beautiful. handmade, memory-lane-type ornaments are the best.

Abigail said...

I hereby vow I'll never imbibe that "eggnog" in the carton again...