Friday, May 25, 2007

Alright, well all I have is a head for the marionette so far. She had a neck at one point in time, but it was rather delicate and then Pookie ripped it off. She'll have a neck again soon and...hopefully she'll get a body at some point too...I feel like I'm moving so slowly! So anyway, here she is:
She's going to be a queen and for some reason red seemed like the only fitting hair color for a queen, so red she is. And that lovely crown/tiara you see in her hair?...
that is made of buttons found on an unusable rummage sale skirt. I think she is going to have a black velvet dress and then I have some with a high gold lace color and trim (both of which will come from other rummage sale outfits that are...unwearable to say the least.)
I'm having a lot of fun with this new project...a lot of fun...I think I'll have to start a King to go with her sometime....soon?

1 comment:

belle epoque said...

oh but what an elegant, gracious head it is! her red hair and coronet are just perfect, as is the speaking expression on her face- melancholic, stoic, quizzical, it could be so many things...