Monday, June 04, 2007

After a glorious weekend of sun and fun...rain, rain, rain. It's been a pleasant rainy day though. The girls needed a chance to catch up on some sleep and what better kind of day to sleep away than a rainy one. So after Mother Goose hour at the library (lots of singing "The Wheels on the Bus and The Itsy Bitsy Spider), off the girls went for a nap and I had a chance to work on my marionette for a little bit.I used an Edith Flack Ackley marionette pattern for the body and I'm really happy with how it looks with the head. I've really enjoyed sewing together the body. The seam allowances on the pattern were so small I decided to hand sew everything rather than attempt tiny curves on the machine. And how nice it has been--I've really enjoyed the slowness of sewing by hand.
A reminder of how nice slowness can be, a call to slow down all around--take a minute, smell the flowers, feel the warm sun, see my babies grow into toddlers...enjoy this summer.

1 comment:

belle epoque said...

she is so beautiful! what wonderful stories you'll tell together. and summer is the perfect time to slow down.