Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm here...still here...yes I'm still here...I'm just working...working frantically...but moving slowly...
I now have just three days in which to finish the picnic blanket. It needs to...or at least I want it done in time for our great-summer-outdoor-theatre-trip on Sunday. And so I sew, sew, sew, and hope that I'll be finished in time.
And while I sew I have the best of company. Pookie likes to come sit with me while I work. It's our nice quiet time alone (as Fig is napping) together and it's a time I relish. Sometimes Pookie sits beside me and plays with quilt squares, other times she stands on the chair next to me and recites all the words she knows, and sometimes she sits across from me at the table and draws or paints.
She is a very serious artist. She spends a long time picking out her colors (she normally settles on blue or green), leans in very close to her paper, and goes to work. When she's done she leans back and scrutinizes her work adding a big flourish here or a little dot there.
Sometimes she pauses to show me what she has drawn--a baby, a chicken, a shark, Curious George, a goose, or a horse.
And maybe this is why I am moving so slowly on this picnic blanket...maybe I am too distracted watching my daughter create, what is in my eyes, a masterpiece. Yes, I think that "distraction" is a perfectly good reason for moving slowly on my project...a very good reason.

1 comment:

belle epoque said...

you can do it! and what a sweet, painted cheek that is...with the amount of wonderful creative talent runs in the family, i'm sure she has a lot of art ahead of her!